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Database of Used Car Dealers Companies in Saskatchewan | Scott’s Directories

93 Companies found with 225 Contacts in 29 Different Job Categories

Company City / Provice Business Type NAICS Code Description Employees & Contact
Wheaton GMC Buick Saskatoon / SK Retail. Services New Car Dealers. Used Car Dealers. Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores. Automotive Body, Paint and Interior Repair and Maintenance 115 Employees / 32 Contacts
Incl. Administration, Coordinator, Customer Service/Public Relations, Executive Management, Financial, General Management, Industry Specialists, Information Technology, Marketing, Medical Facility Management, Municipal Clerk, Operations, President, Sales, Technical, Transportation and Logistics
Brandt Truck & Trailer (formerly Cervus Equipment) Saskatoon / SK Distributor. Retail. Services. Wholesaler Truck, Truck Tractor and Bus Merchant Wholesalers. Recreational and Other Motor Vehicles Merchant Wholesalers. Farm, Lawn and Garden Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers. Construction and Forestry Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers. New Car Dealers. Used Car Dealers. Automotive Body, Paint and Interior Repair and Maintenance 72 Employees / 4 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management, General Management, Medical Facility Management, Operations, President, Technical, Transportation and Logistics, Vice-President
Canada West RV and Truck Saskatoon / SK Retail. Services New Car Dealers. Used Car Dealers. Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores. Automotive Body, Paint and Interior Repair and Maintenance 150 Employees / 2 Contacts
Incl. Customer Service/Public Relations, Executive Management, General Management, Owner
Bell International Trucks Saskatoon / SK Distributor. Retail. Wholesaler Other New Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories Merchant Wholesalers. Used Car Dealers 24 Employees / 4 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management, General Management, Maintenance, Medical Facility Management, President
Brandt Truck & Trailer (formerly Cervus Equipment) Estevan / SK Distributor. Retail New Car Dealers. Used Car Dealers 21 Employees / 4 Contacts
Incl. Customer Service/Public Relations, General Management
Inland Truck & Equipment Estevan / SK Retail New Car Dealers. Used Car Dealers 12 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. Director, Marketing
AMP Motors LTD Estevan / SK Wholesaler Used Car Dealers 7 Employees / 0 Contacts
Northtown Motors Ltd. Saskatoon / SK Retail. Services Used Car Dealers. Automotive Body, Paint and Interior Repair and Maintenance 7 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management, Owner
Amber Motors Ltd Saskatoon / SK Retail. Services Used Car Dealers 2 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. General Management
Dierker Auto Sales Cudworth / SK Retail Used Car Dealers 3 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. General Management, Vice-President

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