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Database of Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services Companies in Kingston, Ontario | Scott’s Directories

133 Companies found with 186 Contacts in 30 Different Job Categories

Company City / Provice Business Type NAICS Code Description Employees & Contact
Drake International Kingston / ON Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services 101 Employees / 2 Contacts
Incl. General Management, Human Resources
Advantage Personnel Kingston Kingston / ON Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services 3 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management
Career Life Management Group Kingston / ON Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services 3 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. Director, General Management
ACFOMI Kingston / ON Services. Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services. Professional, Scientific & Technical Services Other Legal Services. Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services. All Other Support Services. Civic and Social Organizations. Other Membership Organizations 12 Employees / 4 Contacts
Incl. Financial, General Management
VOCEC Voices Opportunities & Choices Employment Cl Kingston / ON Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services 1 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. Director
HR on Target Kingston / ON Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services 2 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management
MANPOWER Kingston / ON Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services. Temporary Help Services 3 Employees / 3 Contacts
Incl. General Management, Industry Specialists
Career Services Queen's Univ Kingston / ON Professional, Scientific & Technical Services Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services 1 Employees / 2 Contacts
Westchester Staffing Group Ltd Kingston / ON Professional, Scientific & Technical Services Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services 5 Employees / 2 Contacts
Incl. Staff
Cotnam-Saunders Employment Placement Services Kingston / ON Administrative and Support, Waste Management and Remediation Services Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search Services 3 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management, Owner

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We recently purchased a list that contained 2,200 manufacturers in Ontario with facilities over 33,000 sq ft in size. We were doing old fashioned mail-outs for marketing and have had results better than expected.

Jeff Hawthorne
Global Point Energy

I've been using Scott's Directories for more than 10 years now. Great product but the support you get is absolutely amazing. I recommend Bridget Wiley - incredible attitude and the willingness to help the customer no matter what.

Dr. Walter Paliga
Brampton Vascular Institute
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