Database of Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing Companies in Alberta | Scott’s Directories

25 Companies found with 191 Contacts in 34 Different Job Categories

Company City / Provice Business Type NAICS Code Description Employees & Contact
Eden Textile Edmonton / AB Distributor. Manufacturer Curtain and Linen Mills. Cut and Sew Clothing Contracting. Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Institutional Furniture Manufacturing. Mattress Manufacturing. Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers. Linen, Drapery and Other Textile Furnishings Merchant Wholesalers. Other Home Furnishings Merchant Wholesalers. Service Establishment Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers. Professional Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers  ...more 50 Employees / 21 Contacts
Incl. Administration, aso, Business Development, Coordinator, Director, Executive Management, Financial, General Management, Information Technology, Marketing, Medical Facility Management, Operations, President, Purchasing, Research and Development, Sales, Staff, Supervisor, Technical, Vice-President  ...more
Elite Promotional Marketing Edmonton / AB Distributor. Manufacturer. Wholesaler All Other Textile Product Mills. Cut and Sew Clothing Contracting. Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Commercial Screen Printing. Other Printing. Support Activities for Printing. Coating, Engraving, Cold and Heat Treating and Allied Activities. Sign Manufacturing. All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing. Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers. All Other Merchant Wholesalers  ...more 100 Employees / 15 Contacts
Incl. Administration, aso, Executive Management, Financial, General Management, Operations, Owner, President, Sales  ...more
Winner Garment Industries Ltd Edmonton / AB Manufacturer. Wholesaler Textile and Fabric Finishing. All Other Textile Product Mills. Cut and Sew Clothing Contracting. Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. All Other Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing. Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers  ...more 60 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management, Medical Facility Management
Polar Promotions & Sportswear Calgary / AB Distributor. Manufacturer. Wholesaler Textile and Fabric Finishing. All Other Textile Product Mills. Cut and Sew Clothing Contracting. Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Commercial Screen Printing. Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers. All Other Merchant Wholesalers  ...more 31 Employees / 13 Contacts
Incl. Administration, aso, Business Development, Financial, General Management, Marketing, Purchasing, Sales
Workwear Outfitters - Previously known as VF Workw Edmonton / AB Manufacturer Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing 60 Employees / 86 Contacts
Incl. Administration, aso, Business Development, Coordinator, Customer Service/Public Relations, Director, Executive Management, Financial, General Management, Industry Specialists, Maintenance, Materials Management, Media, Medical Facility Management, Municipal Clerk, Operations, Owner, President, Property Development, Purchasing, Regional/Executive Director, Sales, Scientific, Staff, Supervisor, Technical, Transportation and Logistics  ...more
Iconic Wholesale Embroidery Ltd Calgary / AB Manufacturer All Other Textile Product Mills. Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Commercial Screen Printing. Digital Printing. Other Printing. Support Activities for Printing. Sign Manufacturing. All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing  ...more 18 Employees / 5 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management, Medical Facility Management, Owner, President, Sales
Pergis Jackets & Crests Ltd Edmonton / AB Distributor. Manufacturer Textile Bag and Canvas Mills. All Other Textile Product Mills. Cut and Sew Clothing Contracting. Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. All Other Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Clothing Accessories and Other Clothing Manufacturing. Commercial Screen Printing. Digital Printing. Sign Manufacturing. All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing. Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers. All Other Merchant Wholesalers  ...more 15 Employees / 3 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management, General Management, Medical Facility Management, President, Vice-President
Sue's Tailoring Calgary / AB Manufacturer Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing 1 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management, General Management, Owner
Alliance Mercantile Edmonton / AB Manufacturer Cut and Sew Clothing Contracting. Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. All Other Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing. Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing  ...more 3 Employees / 2 Contacts
Incl. General Management, Owner
Kluane Mountaineering Edmonton / AB Manufacturer Curtain and Linen Mills. All Other Textile Product Mills. Men's and Boys' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. Women's and Girls' Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing. All Other Cut and Sew Clothing Manufacturing  ...more 3 Employees / 1 Contacts
Incl. Executive Management, Owner

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I've been using Scott's Directories for more than 10 years now. Great product but the support you get is absolutely amazing. I recommend Bridget Wiley - incredible attitude and the willingness to help the customer no matter what.

Dr. Walter Paliga
Brampton Vascular Institute

We recently purchased a list that contained 2,200 manufacturers in Ontario with facilities over 33,000 sq ft in size. We were doing old fashioned mail-outs for marketing and have had results better than expected.

Jeff Hawthorne
Global Point Energy

I've been using Scott's Directories for more than 10 years now. Great product but the support you get is absolutely amazing. I recommend Bridget Wiley - incredible attitude and the willingness to help the customer no matter what.

Dr. Walter Paliga
Brampton Vascular Institute

We recently purchased a list that contained 2,200 manufacturers in Ontario with facilities over 33,000 sq ft in size. We were doing old fashioned mail-outs for marketing and have had results better than expected.

Jeff Hawthorne
Global Point Energy
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