Everything You Need to Find New Leads

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When it comes to generating B2B sales leads, is it better to have quality or quantity? How many B2B sales leads should a rep generate on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis? What is the optimum opportunity-to-sale ratio? How many inbound inquiries are required to meet revenue targets? These are the questions that keep sales managers up at night. When it comes to generating new leads, however, a sales manager can sleep peacefully knowing the sales team has access to a Canada Company List.

Why Subscribe to an Online Business List Provider?

The ability to achieve top notch sales figures is dependent on both the skill of the rep and the tools that rep has to properly execute the company sales strategy. Personality only goes so far; a B2B sales professional has to constantly be feeding the sales funnel with new leads that can be converted into sales. Generating quality leads takes time; however, with access to a data base packed with business lists Canada options, a sales rep can reduce the time it takes to generate leads. How? Imagine having access to a comprehensive data base that lists over 580,000 detailed B2B company profiles across the country – in every sector, in every province. By searching that list of Canadian companies on a daily basis, sales and marketing professionals can quickly develop a high-value lead list that targets with laser-sharp precision the exact kind of company that could use your product or service. More important is the fact that the Canada company list also includes up-to-date, accurate information on over 1.2 million thousand key contacts at those companies. With such a volume of information on potential clients, any B2B sales and marketing professional should be able to craft a highly-detailed proposal that provides a great introduction of your company to a potential lead. All that’s left to do is convert that opportunity and watch the sales revenues climb.

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Scott’s Directories Offers B2B Sales Solutions

With some figures suggesting a sales rep can handle 150 to 300 sales leads a month, generating new business should be easy. Of course, sales are never easy – unless you’re selling something everyone wants. The truth is, finding new business is necessary to counter the inevitable attrition that happens in every sales department. Using a Canada company list to help generate those leads will help sales teams save time digging up new leads, and as we all know, time is money.

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