List of Private Elementary Schools in Canada
Scott’s Schools database on elementary schools in Canada is frequently updated with the latest information. Browse various provinces or cities, depending on your needs, to get detailed data information of key contacts from elementary schools. Our data is extremely accurate as we know how important it is for businesses to have the right contacts to run and grow successfully. Whether you’re a student, a manufacturer or distributor of school supplies, our database has all the information you need.
Grow Your Business
Refine your sales and marketing efforts by getting access to data of over 17,000 schools and universities, and 50,000 key contacts including principals, guidance counsellors, librarians, maintenance managers and trustees. Now you don’t have to worry about wasting time, money and efforts of your sales and marketing team. The quality of our data and customer service is what makes Scott’s Schools Database your #1 source of information on schools, colleges, universities and more.
Access Canada’s leading Schools Directory today.
Get the Data You Need
Browse through a wide variety of data in our school directory – all in one place. Here’s what you can expect:
- List of Elementary Schools in Canada
- List of Elementary Schools in Alberta
- List of Elementary Schools in Ontario
- List of Elementary Schools in Toronto including Private Elementary Schools in Toronto
- Private Elementary Schools in Mississauga
Our data is available in a downloadable CSV format with over 20 searchable fields to explore and find the data you need.
- *For 1st Time Customers Only. Offer Ends March 31, 2025.
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